Star of the North Concert Band was formed and incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in 1994. The majority of financial support for the band comes from dues and tour payments by band members with additional income from our Associate Members and donors.
Become an Associate Member.
Anyone can become an Associate Member of the band by contributing an annual, tax deductible donation of $50. Associate Members can receive concert notification mailings, are eligible to tour with the band, and may receive a band lapel pin upon request. Contact Band President to become an Associate Member.

Make a Tax Deductable Donation.
These donations will help defray costs including acquiring music, and paying for rehearsal space and performance venue space as needed. Your donation may also help provide band uniform t-shirts and jackets as well as musical instrument equipment.
Donate by Check.
Donations in any amount are much appreciated. Send your check to “Star of the North Concert Band” at The Star of the North Concert Band, 10426 106th Pl N, Maple Grove, MN 55369.
Special Acknowledgements
In addition to all our associate members and donors, we gratefully acknowledge and thank Totino-Grace High School (1350 Gardena Avenue Northeast, Fridley, Minnesota 55432), for allowing us the use of their band rehearsal room. Thanks as well to their band director there.